Welcome to BookOasis

Welcome to all book lovers and storytellers! 🕮

My name is Demi and I run this book review blog, mainly to go back and read my thoughts on older stories that I've read before. I am a writer myself and I am using this book review site as a challenge for me to keep writing and to hone my skill. 

As a disclaimer, all opinions are my own. If something is promoted either through an author or publisher, I will put a disclaimer along with the post. But mostly, you will be getting my honest critique of the book with all of its triumphs and downfalls. I read stories for fun, but I also love to dissect stories and see what makes them tick. 

My Goodreads goal for 2024 is to read 75 books and I will be reviewing all of them here. If I am participating in any reading challenges, they will also be promoted here so people can follow along! 

One last thing before I leave...my star rating system. I will be rating books on a 5-star reading scale and each number will quantify my enjoyment of the book. Here are how my ratings will be scaled. 


1: The book was abysmal. It had no redeeming qualities to it. I don't know why I even finished it.

2: The book was not worth it. Either through hype or a sequel, this book just did not live up to the synopsis and was hard to get through.

3: The book was okay. There were some things I liked about it and some things that I didn't. Would I recommend it? Maybe. Depending on the person and their own likes.

4: The book was solid. For the most part, I enjoyed the book and what it was trying to do. Maybe one or two things needed work, but overall, an enjoyable read. 

5: The book was fantastic. I loved every single minute of it and I wouldn't change a single thing. 

With all of that settled, get ready for my first post of the year...One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig! Follow me on Instagram @book_oasis or on TikTok at @book_oasis!


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